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Even Big Companies Like Nissan Get Hacked

Even the largest companies in the world can’t claim immunity to hacking, data breaches and momentary lapses in judgment. Nissan is a classic case in point. Recently, due to a careless oversight, default admin credentials were left in place on part of the...

This New Malware Has A Unique Email Offer

The Quaverse Remote Access Trojan–affectionately dubbed QRat–has been with us since at least 2015. It’s a good piece of malware because it’s notoriously difficult to detect and it provides high value information like passwords, sensitive files,...

Brand New Ransomware Found On The Internet

Hackers around the world didn’t waste any time. New Year’s celebrations have barely ended, and already, we have our first reports of a new malware strain to help ring in 2021. Dubbed Babuk Locker, the strain is aimed squarely at corporate networks. Based...

Adobe Flash Has Reached End of Life Status

Is your company’s website built around Adobe’s aging Flash Player? If so, be aware that you are officially on your own. Flash reached its EOL (End of Life) as of January 1st of this year (2021). From a business perspective, you don’t have to worry...
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